意大利卢索服装学院 中国招生指南|2019




  English andItalian plate-making professor in Accademia del Lusso, she serves variousclothing brand companies from getting a job, which has rich plate-makingexperience. From 1998 to 2001, she participated in the plate-making design ofSHIZHU SERIES ‘bags and accessories. Since 2001, she became a bilingualplate-making professor and had cooperation with many famous fashion colleges inMilan.


  At present, shepushes out her own brand——advanced customization bagsseries except to be a fashion plate-making consultant. From 2009, shecooperated with Accademia del Lusso as a plate-making professor in Fashion andaccessories, and became a full-time bilingual plate-making professor inAccademia del Lusso.




  He graduated asan undergraduate in the major of Diplomacy and International Relations inGorizia Campus of Trieste University, and got the master degree of LuxuryCommunication Management in Accademia del Lusso. His articles had republishedin various paper & online magazines, including fashion illustrated.Meanwhile, he had been a senior editor in Vogue.it, Urban, The LifestyleJournal, VO+, Modaonline, Designspeaking, and art director in The Hungton Post,Donnamoderna.it, Ars Fairs, Maglifico, Man In Town. In 2014, he published a newbook “Moda I1 nuovo made in Italy”,prefaced by Renzo Rosso. This book tells contemporary Fashion situation of Madein Italy.

  他本科毕业于里雅斯特大学戈里齐亚校区的外交和国际关系专业,后取得米兰卢索学院的奢侈品传播管理研究生学位。其文章已发表在各类纸质和在线杂志上,其中包括fashion illustrated.同时他还曾是Vogue.it, Urban, The Lifestyle Journal, VO+,Modaonline, Designspeaking的高级编辑,以及The Hungton Post,Donnamoderna.it, Ars Fairs, Maglifico和Man In Town的艺术总监。在2014年他出版了由Renzo Rosso作序的新书“Moda I1 nuovo made in Italy”(时尚,全新的意大利制造),这本书讲述了意大利制造的当代时尚情境。


  Born in France, Chloe migrated to Italy from 1999. She graduatedfrom EBS‘s Department of Economic Management in 1996 and started her career. Atthe beginning of her career, she took an important position in variouscompanies, including the editor, blogger and writer of Italie-France.com, thebusiness development and marketing manager of Pro Network, agent of CoInterbational, business information & competitive intelligence commissionerand product manager of Nestlè。 She established anddeveloped her own website——www.mylittlemilan.com, which used innovative Frenchto promote Milan city. In the September, 2016, she began to teach the major ofFashion Marketing and International Market Research in Accademia del Lusso. Theteaching position made her give her experience from practice to students,meanwhile, let her students contact the market, and have a direct contact withthe working world from the beginning. Chloe Payer had lived in Italy, France,Germany, Ireland, America, Argentina, and Chile.

  Chloe Payer,法国出生,从1999年移居至意大利至今。她在1996年由EBS-巴黎欧洲商学院经济管理系毕业后开始了其职业生涯。自其职业生涯初期,她一直在各公司担任重要的岗位,其中包括:Italie-France.com杂志的编辑、博主和写手;Pro Network的业务发展及营销经理;Co Interbational的代理商;Nestlè 的商业信息和竞争情报专员及产品经理。她成立并发展了个人网站www.mylittlemilan.com,这个网站用创新的法语内容推广米兰城。她从2016年九月开始在卢索学院的时尚营销和国际市场研究生专业教学。她的教学职位让其能够将她多年从实践中取得的经验传递给学生,同样也能让她的学生接触市场,并让他们从开始就能和工作世界有直接联系。Chloe Payer 曾居住在意大利,法国,德国,爱尔兰,美国,阿根廷和智利。


  The founder of Gianfranco Ferre S.p.A, custom-made clothes forluxury brands, fashion trends analysis, process management of finished productcustomization, planner of brand fashion show, packaging planner of MilanBRANCATO Co., LTD (the first drama clothing plate-making studio), plate-makingplanner of Milan Modella Tricots Co., LTD (knitting), pattern maker of MilanCarrano Footwear Co., LTD.

  米兰时装高级定制店Gianfranco Ferre S.p.A 创始人、为高奢品牌定制服版和时尚趋势分析与成品定制流程管理、品牌时装秀策划人、米兰布兰卡托*BRANCATO* 有限公司(米兰第一家戏剧服饰打版工作室)包装策划师、米兰 Modella Tricots 有限公司(针织业)打版策划师、米兰卡拉罗*Carrano*鞋业有限公司打版师。


  Bilingual professor of Interior and storefront design, he has richexperience in architectural design and construction supervision on large publicurban facilities. He owned his own interior design brand “Massimo Donizelli”。 He is the famous real estate construction and developmentconsultant, famous professor in international interior design universities. Andhe is the main lecturer (interior design both in bachelor degree and masterdegree) in Milan Campus and Serbia Campus of Accademia del Lusso.

  室内与店面设计意英双语教授,在大型公共城市设施上有着丰厚的建筑设计与施工管理经验。拥有个人室内设计品牌工作室 Massimo Donizelli.意大利利著名房地产建设开发顾问,著名国际室内设计大学教授。是卢索学院室内设计与店面设计、米兰校区以及塞尔维亚校区的室内设计本科以及硕士课程的主讲师。


提 交 信 息

  • 何穗Sui He

  • 孙伊涵Yihan Sun

  • 赵磊Lei Zhao

  • 赵晨池Chenchi Zhao

  • 薛冬琪Dylan Xue

  • 张丽娜Lina Zhang

  • [陈子由]时尚艺术高中2012级
  • [王艺]国职2012级服装表演专业学员
  • [华依澜]第160期全日制高考预科班
  • [魏小涵]第126期全日制高考预科班
  • [魏安琪]第156期全日制专业班

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